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I'm looking to get a laptop. now i have my main rig for gaming and stuff. this laptop is going to be loaded with Gentoo Linux and only used for roaming the web, chatting and maybe some word processing for school. My main concern is mobility. right now, even though i despise dell, i'm kind of intersted in their Inspiron 700m. anybody know how well this laptop performs? I'm kinda looking at a laptop w/ the Pentium M cuz it consumes little power. I want lots of battery time and small size/weight. this 700m has a 12" screen and is only 4.1lbs. which seems fine. im not gaming on it. thats what my custom build desktop is for haha. i havent been able to find any other laptops that are this small so thats why im looking at dell. if you have any other suggestions, i'm open to them. my price range is about $1000 give or take a couple hundred. well i'll go as far below as you can get haha, but not more than 200 - 300 over. if youve heard about this laptop or know anything about it, lemme know. thx for ne input. later.


*edit* how would an apple ibook (1.2Ghz G4) compare to the dell (1.6Ghz Pentium M)? Keep in mind they will be running Gentoo Linux, not windows. I noticed the apple only uses PC2100 ram and the dell uses PC3200. which laptop will outperform?

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My friend got a 700m at the same time that I got the 6000d, and he LOVES it. The screen looks amazing on it, the glossy surface really brings out the colors (not sure I like the glare though..) It runs just as fast as mine, provided it can't game at ALL. Keep in mind, also, that the keyboard is very small, and will take a lot of getting used to.

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if you want battery life, get a laptop like I have, Compaq evo N800c....I get KICKASS battery life from it, and once I get the 7200 hd and 1 gig of ram (im running only 256mb now) she will be blazin fast...I advise against apple laptops they have problems with their screens'

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