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Dual Procs


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LinuxPro, you said In a post dont go with a dual Processer board for AMD because you will have trouble gamming?






I was thinking about going dual next time around..



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Dual's are ment for servers, not workstations.


There were a few games I tried to play, and they wouldn't play at all! Then some, would play without problems.


As long as you didn't get any BSOD while playing, everything is okay.


There are just soo many problems with the MP and MPX chipsets, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as a workstation or gaming rig.


My new Athlon XP 2100+ system seems faster and a LOT more stable than my dual will ever be.


http://forums.2cpu.com this is where all the dual cpu geeks hang out. Also check out the gaming forum they have. You can see what problems some are having.

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Yeah I am waiting for the Sledge Hammers.. SO I am upgrading my system Little by little..


Buying ram first.. DDR333 of course.. Unless anyone knows if the 400 will be out soon..

then buy some Harddrives..

get the new chip.. 2. somthing gigs.. I hope.. and a Raid Board to put my new HDs in to raid0.. thought.. I dont know.. I kind of like having 2 seprate drives lol.. so maybe I wont go raid.. :P


who knows..

also.. ATA133 is it much faster then ATA100?

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