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Have to press enter to load windows?


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Hey i just made my first computer

asus av7266e mobo

amd 1700xp

2 maxtor 40 gb 7200rpm hard drives


every time i reset or turn my computer on

it starts loading stuff but then it stops at a blank screen, it doesn't load windows till i press enter.  i don't know why it does that.  its very annoying.  i think it might have somehting to do witht the ezbios thing that came with my hard drives but i don't know how to take it out.  someone please help me


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you know something funky. I had that happen to me too..

It was something weird with my CD-Roms actually..

unhook.. all the cd-roms.. and turn on the comp.. see if the same thing happens..

If not.. Check and see if the jumpers and cable is set right on the cd-roms..


Im not positive, if thats it.. or Why it even does that..


but.. It worked for me..



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