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Dampen Noise?


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Hey ya'll,

I got this heatsink n fan.. Its an Alpha PEP66 has a YStech 60mmfan.. this beast is like DELTA loud lol..


Any one know of a cheap way to dampen the sound a bit?


It is kind of annoying..


Oooh.. I got new pics of my case also..




at the bottom of the page are 4 updated pics tell me if you all like the comp so far..


also.. if the page is down.. I am sorry.. Geocities sucks.. and I have been getting a lot of viewers on my page..

also If anyone knows of a website other then geocities.. that doesnt have a limit on how much bytes of traffic you can have.. Please hook me up this is rediculus.. lol.



n e ways, tell me what you think.. and if you have any Ideas for dampining.. Peace ya'lll!



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i just put dynamat extreme in my case and i can tell a difference. i'm running the thermaltake volcano 7.


*put dynamat extreme on the inside of your panels of your case. i still have to finish it off...i didn't have enuff dynamat.

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I know the whole Styrofoam.. and dynamat stuff..

I am kind looking more for.. not insulation stuff.. something along the lines as rubber washers.. or something...


If you look at my case I dont really have room for dynomat lol.. its kinda all.. holie..

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  • 3 weeks later...

well.......the prob is that rubber sealers dont work very well unless your case is totally sealed, but that means you cant have any fans....so, welll, ummmm  

Really the best thing to do is take your fan apart and apply some CRC (an oil we have in oz) and oil all the moving parts, you will be suprised how much this reduces noice.

(dont soak the thing in oil otherwise it sprays everywhere when u put your fan back on) after you done this, run you fan dry(no ontop of ya cpu) for about 3 hours this should run the oil in a bit..........thats all the advise i can give u

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