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Building Comp For Family Member

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about to start building a computer for my stepdad and need a little guidance. hes going be doing music production and im leaning towards a athlon 64 3500 or 3000 but thinkin also about p4 2.8 w/ ht. only thing is id rather get him somthin w/ the 1mb cache for doin the production thing.but will a a64 be better or just as good or what..

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hmm k well i looked at the specs for his program last week and it requires a gig of ram so i was thinkin bout doin the a64 and a gig of corsair. heh well whatever he gets will be sooo much more faster than what hes rockin now. a celeron 400mhz w/ an ultra spacious 6.5 gig hard drive...

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if i was in your shoes.. i would get a 3.2Ghz p4. . MSI or Abit motherboard.. 1gb of corsair XMS pro memory "3200 or 2500" but i like the timings of my 3200.. i would get 2 200 gb hd.. and stick em on a raid 0.. dont realy need a good video card.. so a nvidia geforce4 4000 will do you good


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ok got the new comp up an running. got a p4 2.8 oc'd to 3.08 w/ 1G corsair xms mem, abit ai-7 mobo, 2- 160G hd's, ati 9550 vid card (music prod people), antec sonata case (yea quiet and nice) zalman heatsink and fan,and oh yes plextor dvd burner, full load 98 degrees F. very stable. im envious of my stepdads setup except hte vid card which he wasnt to concernd about. i didnt bother setting up RAID for stablity sake. he wanted somthin reliable

Edited by SVTmofo

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You could have set it up in Raid 1. That's mirroring. Ultra reliable since you've got the same data on two drives. Just a thought if the information is seriously important.


And the P4 w/Hyper Threading will make music editing, and video editing, much faster.

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