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Religious, Ethnic, And/or Political Related Items


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Due to the increasing number of complaints brought to the staff regarding religious, ethnic, and/or political related items in OCC, we have made a decision to remove those items from any discussion, signature, avatar, etc.


This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, as Rule #2 clearly states no comments against a person or persons based on religious or political preference or ethnicity. Due to current events, we have been extremely slack on that rule, but enough is enough.


Until notified otherwise, the following items will not be allowed at OCC:

- Topics or images regarding politics (e.g. pro or anti-Bush or Kerry)

- Topics or images regarding religion (e.g. Do you believe in God? Topics on Islam)


You all have seen the topics that have gotten out of control. Lately they deal with Bush, Kerry, The War On Terror, 9/11, Islam, and so on. Let's leave that stuff out of OCC from now on.


We ask that you edit your signature and/or avatar to remove anything that could be deemed in violation of rule #2. Please note, the staff is currently working to modify profiles as well.


Thank you.

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