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HD-4K vs. Old Radeon 2400 Card

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     Howdy everybody, a simple question. I have not built a computer in 6-7 years. During that time I have not kept up on

advancements in the hardware. Recently I cornered myself into having to build a new AUDIO MACHINE. I need it to run the

new Interface I just got. I chose an Asus B85M-E/CSM Motherboard because I need the PCI riser for the card. Turns out it

is a pretty cool board to-boot. I put a Pentium G3258 processor in it, which has the graphics inside. OK so, I really don't

need any super dooper graphics. Cubase has a limited video aspect, "for mounting audio to your music video" but that does

not require much. I was going to use an old Radeon 2400 Pro card I have laying about but the B85 on board graphics

might just be more capable. So I am soliciting opinions as to which way I should go. Oh, I have 4 gigs of DDR3 1600 Ballistix,

the card has 512mb. DDR3 ?mhz.

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Oh Yeah, I had a feeling! That is a nice compare site too. In such a short time, things have moved ahead at an amazing rate. Prices are not

that much more relatively speaking either. Some processors are completely off the scale, and the SSDs are a bit pricey too. It will be nice when

I can actually afford those. Thank You!

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