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Windows 10 Set to be 'Last Version of Windows'


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Windows 10 is set to arrive this summer at some point, but apparently it's going to be the last version of the venerable OS. That is according to Jerry Nixon, an employee at Microsoft, who had this to say: "Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10."

Apparently that means there's no follow-up to Windows 10 in the works right now, like with two years ago when Windows 10 was being worked on as Windows 8.1 rolled out. Microsoft is going to play up Windows as a service, which so far doesn't have any real information behind that statement. Windows 10 is a fundamental shift in how the company created an operating system, so it is feasible that it really is the last full OS and everything after is just an update to it. There's already a Windows 10.1 update in the works, so why not do similar updates later on as technology changes? Apple already does that with OS X, so Microsoft could do the same with Windows 10. Various software for Windows 10 is being designed to handle regular or even monthly updates, such as Mail, Office, and Xbox. That could be the strategy for the OS as a whole, which is not a bad idea if it means things like greater expandability, acceptance, and compatibility.

Whatever the exact plan is for Windows 10 now and in the future remains to be seen, but I imagine a yearly or so upgrade would be far preferrable than a brand new OS every two or three years.

Source: The Verge

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