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Ubuntu Plans to Switch From Debian Packages to Snappy in 15.10


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It appears that the next version of Ubuntu, 15.10 to be released in October, will be offered in a Debian package version and a Snappy version. The move was announced by Ubuntu Desktop Engineering Manager Will Cooke who said, "Our plan for 15.10 (which is still being finalised, and will be discussed in more depth at UOS in a couple of weeks) is to have a build based on Snappy Personal and so the current .deb based Desktop Next image will be going away and will be replaced with the new Snappy version." Ubuntu will still be built on the Debian OS but the change to Snappy should provide "faster and guaranteed upgrade and increased security due to the confinement of apps." Ubuntu Snappy will still be available in two versions, Core for server installs and Personal for desktop users. Ubuntu engineers have stated that developers should have an easier build process for creating Snaps compared to Debian packages and users will be able to get more frequent updates to their applications.

Source: IT World

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