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DFI LanParty DK P45-T3RSB PLUS fsb wall at 350 ?


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Hey everyone ! Been reading these forums for a long time and so far I found most answers I needed w/o having to post (Thank you all for those now that i did !) but now I found myself with a very frustrating problem that I couldnt solve no matter how much I tried asking my friend Google.


Altho I see most of you have changed sockets for a long time now, Im hoping there are still a few of you around with 775 knowledge as I have recently switched from my old DDR2 MSI P43 NEO-F to a what seemed to be a sweet deal DDR3 DFI Lanparty DK P45-T3RSB but what proved to be a sleep stealer


Im at best a noobie OC'er, playing mostly with the FSB, multiplier and DRAM ratio and almost never messing with voltages.Even so I managed to get my E8400 to around 3.4 Ghz stable and 3.6 unstable on stock cooling on my old MSI P43 NEO-F.


When I grabbed the DFI with my new Scythe Katana III I was hoping for atleast the same performances but this board is beeing a nightmare to OC. So far I figure the problem must be with the Mobo since I cant get it to boot above 350 even with CPU set x 6 and ram set at 333->1066.


Im not one to use OC 24/7 , I just like to do some tests to see what my comp can do but even so, I really hope its not something wrong with the Mobo and its just me beeing a noob or missing something.


Soooooo please throw down any input (E8400 E0 on DFI LanParty DK P45-T3RSB PLUS with 2x4GB Corsair CL9 @ 1333Mhz but if there is anyother info needed Ill gladly provide it) and let me know what tests or settings can I do to get my show on the road !

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Hey everyone ! Been reading these forums for a long time and so far I found most answers I needed w/o having to post (Thank you all for those now that i did !) but now I found myself with a very frustrating problem that I couldnt solve no matter how much I tried asking my friend Google.


Altho I see most of you have changed sockets for a long time now, Im hoping there are still a few of you around with 775 knowledge as I have recently switched from my old DDR2 MSI P43 NEO-F to a what seemed to be a sweet deal DDR3 DFI Lanparty DK P45-T3RSB but what proved to be a sleep stealer


Im at best a noobie OC'er, playing mostly with the FSB, multiplier and DRAM ratio and almost never messing with voltages.Even so I managed to get my E8400 to around 3.4 Ghz stable and 3.6 unstable on stock cooling on my old MSI P43 NEO-F.


When I grabbed the DFI with my new Scythe Katana III I was hoping for atleast the same performances but this board is beeing a nightmare to OC. So far I figure the problem must be with the Mobo since I cant get it to boot above 350 even with CPU set x 6 and ram set at 333->1066.


Im not one to use OC 24/7 , I just like to do some tests to see what my comp can do but even so, I really hope its not something wrong with the Mobo and its just me beeing a noob or missing something.


Soooooo please throw down any input (E8400 E0 on DFI LanParty DK P45-T3RSB PLUS with 2x4GB Corsair CL9 @ 1333Mhz but if there is anyother info needed Ill gladly provide it) and let me know what tests or settings can I do to get my show on the road !


350MHz FSB shouldn't be too much, so you don't need to overvolt the FSB, nor the CPU since you're trying to push your northbridge chip. Maybe the RAM dividers are the reason why your FSB won't go higher or maybe it's something else. Is your cooling adequate? If it is, then just return the multiplier to stock and increase the FSB until you won't be able to post. Then, increase slightly the CPU voltage and check the RAM frequency, you'll probably need to play around with the dividers and you should be able to post. I don't see a reason why wouldn't it post with 350MHz FSB, but try these things. You shouldn't be hitting FSB wall to at least 400MHz, I think.

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350MHz FSB shouldn't be too much, so you don't need to overvolt the FSB, nor the CPU since you're trying to push your northbridge chip. Maybe the RAM dividers are the reason why your FSB won't go higher or maybe it's something else. Is your cooling adequate? If it is, then just return the multiplier to stock and increase the FSB until you won't be able to post. Then, increase slightly the CPU voltage and check the RAM frequency, you'll probably need to play around with the dividers and you should be able to post. I don't see a reason why wouldn't it post with 350MHz FSB, but try these things. You shouldn't be hitting FSB wall to at least 400MHz, I think.


Solved it, I read on a 1000 year old post somewhere that some mobos have fsb gaps, and seems mine has one between 350 and 400 where either it wont boot or it wont be stable.I am now running at 3.8Ghz stable :)


Also a big thing that I was doing wrong and I found out after doing some reading, is that I had Vdroop enabled with is a bit NO NO!


Hope it helps others, cheers!

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Well I'm glad you solved it.

Some motherboards have million settings for the timing and stuff to compensate for that gap, so they (if adjusted properly) have no gaps, but it's kinda difficult to set all those things up correctly.

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