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Problems with overclocking intel core 2 quad 9550


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Hi guys. So as u may or may not see from topic title i have problems with overclocking my intel core 2 quad 9550.


My sistem is :

Intel core 2 quad 9550

Asus p5q turbo matherboard

Kingston value 4gb rams 800mhz

arkangel 850w power supply

nvidia geforce gtx 285 1gb graphic card

WD caviar green hard drive

Zalman cnps 10x performa cpu cooler


So my problem is: i cant seem to overclock my cpu for more than 3.0ghz. If i overclock if further prime 95 stop working and this error pops out:

rounding was 0.5 expected less than 0.4


And i dont know what to do. I allready try to higher up my voltage( i go all the way to 1.4v) i have allready try to higher my ram voltages(i went from 1.8 to 2.2) and nothing seems to work.


So can u guys tell me what is wrong ? do i need to change my ram moduls or is it something else. Oh and 1 more thing. Which cooler is beeter: Zalman cnps 10x performa or zalman cnps 9500 led.


Ty for ur time oh and sory for my bad english. Have Fun

Edited by Feel_IT

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