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Water cooling blocks


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Hey guys, quick question on water cooling my new system. I just got it, (specs below if you want to check). It comes in tomorrow, and I can't wait to put it together.

I do have a question about water cooling. On my old build, I had the XSPC Rasa 750 kit:



and it worked beautifully and I'd like to get another one for my new system, but with my newer graphics card, I want to look at cooling that as well. I plan on overclocking and always enjoy a silent machine during movies.


Overall, and also to help others out, is there a rule of thumb on how many waterblocks a pump can support? From what I've read around online, there's a lot of variables, and I understand that's it can be a more complicated construction, but is there a simple flow you should look for? I'm guessing from reading articles a good rule to go by is 1 per 2g/m flow. Anyone got their own take on that? Little curious on if I could put a waterblock on my graphics card with the XSPC Rasa 750 pump loop as well as cpu block?

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Assuming you don't have a restrictive block (which the XSPC block isn't, IIRC) and you're adding a standard full-cover GPU block (which also aren't very restrictive, generally) you won't have any trouble.


It really depends on what pump you have and what blocks you're running. No general rule will ever give you a good idea because blocks and pumps vary so widely.

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