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how to stress test graphics cards


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I just try to do the same thing each time I make a change to my GPU OC since it is important to keep your testing process uniform each time you make a change. It helps to see what's going on when you're only changing on thing at a time and using the same test procedure.


But yeah, I will run furmark (or any stress test for a GPU, really) for a couple hours. Usually I will start it first thing in the morning, go to work for 4 hours, then come home and play a couple games during lunch for a while. This hasn't let me down in the past, so I'll keep sticking with it lol

Sounds like a good enough approach.I have been putting furmark on for a few hours in the extreme burn mode or whatever they call it and playing Crysis.This seems to be a good enough approach.Heaven is not a bad one to use too but I have had this odd issue with it .I can do runs at STOCK or OVERCLOCKED speeds and I get this ONE artifact in the same place .Like I say I get this artifact at stock speeds as well as overclocked.I have found a stable core clock speed with no problems in the games I have tried including Crysis and with furmark for hours but if I do Heaven I get this 1 artifact in the same place and I say again it is there at stock speeds as well.I tried re installing Heaven but this made no difference.I have decided to kind of ignore it or, more to the point,to see it as the anomaly that it is.Any thoughts on this particular issue people.

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