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FInally, Pics of my PC


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Finally, Here are the pics of my PC with my new LC Setup.

SWEET! Nice look! I can almost see the smile on your face :biggrin:

EDIT: Btw is your computer still not posting?

Edited by Alexandre

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Nah it's fine now. My Ram sticks were not in all the way for some weird reason lol. I must of bumped into them a few times. Everything is working great now.

Hahaha :lol: wow my stab in the dark about you bumping your RAM was right all along then...Glad to hear it's all good now mate. :thumbsup:

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Seems about right. I'm maxing out at 69c using LinX @ 4.1ghz 1.29vcore. What radiator and pump are you using? Is the ambient temp around your computer same as outside?


I'm just trying to figure out if its worth it to switch to dual loops before forum wars starts. Looks great btw

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No my Ambient temp is hotter in my room than outside. I don't know the temps inside my room. No hotter than 68F.

During the summer my room gets to 80F-84F and my temps using linx gets quite close to 80C's lol.


The Radiator is XSPC RX 360 and the pump i have is the swiftech MCP 3xx something lol. It's the same pump i was using with my old dual radiator.

The CPU bock is XSPC Rasa.

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