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q8400 core voltage question


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guys hope ypu can help me..


which utility is telling the correct core coltage for my processor?

cpu-z or core temp


because i have read from intel's q8400 that the max voltage that it handle is just 0.8500V-1.3625V

this is the link to it




by the way this is the screenshot(link)..




i just want to know which of tghe two is telling the correct core voltage..

because if cpu-z is correct, then i might be damaging my processor.. dont want that to happen..


my board is a DFI lanparty BI p45-t2s elite.. and i just changed the speed to 425x8 to get 3.4 ghz..

by the way.. system is working A-ok max temps that i get is aroung 68-69c when running prime95 for more than 12 hours..

im in the philippines, so the temps that im getting i think is ok..


thanks in advance!


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CPU-Z is your vcore and coretemp is your cpu's VID (voltage identification), I won't get into the whole VID thing but here's a link and you can also google it for a more thorough explaination:




ok so VID is the necessary amount of volts to make the processor start?

and VCORE is the amount of volt to make it reach 3.4 ghz?


please correct me if im wrong..


and am i wearing down my processor since its way over the VID that intel listed on the q8400 specs?

i mean am i shortening the life span of my q8400?


thanks again!

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