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Overclocking tips/parameters for ASUS Sabertooth x58 with I7 950


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Hey Overclockers,


Im relatively new to overclocking computers and i was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers or even better....some numbers to start out with to overclock my ASUS Sabertooth x58 mobo with the I7 950 @ 3.07GHZ. I am very familar with the hardware of computers and the bios of this board, I have just been very cautious to even try overclocking this new build I had got. I understand it takes several tries to be able to obtain a stable system, but what I am not sure of is what parameters do i need to be adjusting to be able to obtain that stability and if all possible, push this up to around 4.0GHz. If anyone could give me those pointers and/or parameters I would gladely appreciate it.


Thanks to all that reply.

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