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Overclocking gone wrong? May have fried something

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Houston, we may have a problem.

I have been running with the settings below. I have not gone beyond the 4.08. Prime was good, realtemp was running, 26-59 deg. Seemed to be ok, and then...

I believe I may have fried something in the CPU or motherboard - not sure, as I don't know how to diagnose. Here are the symptoms:

Initially I would experience pauses (or lag) in games like CoD MW2. It would pause for 3-5 seconds. Others in the game did not have the same issue.

After a few days of this, it booted me out, complete shut down. On reboot I did not get a message "failed overclock" as I would when it was an overclock setting.

I then started getting strange error on the internet, pausing when switching sites, pages not loading, etc.

Reset Bios settings to default - no overclocking. Still had errors.

On a subsequent reboot I got disk errors (large files, corrupt files, etc.). Scan disk would run, find errors, fix them, windows would boot.

At this point I thought it was a virus. I ran a scan, all good. Added more virus software, still good, malware scan, still good.

Just for the heck of it I formatted the drive (I have a backup). Windows (Vista 64) would not install, errors during install.

I put in a brand new sealed hard drive. Windows would not install. Gets most of the way through it and errors. Windows trys to find and fix the missing files but can't.


What do you think? I am leaning towards processor or MB. I don't have a spare to swap in, which should I try first?

Acts like a virus, but is that even possible? With a brand new hard drive?


System specs:


I stepped up the FSB Freq 5 at a time to 430, passes all tests.

CPU temp is 29 at idle and up to 52 under 100% with Prime. (64 ambient)


Setting recommended and test as above:

Ai Overclock Tuner : Manual

CPU Ratio Setting : 9.5

FSB Frequency : 430

PCIE Frequency: Auto

FSB Strap to North Bridge : Auto


DRAM Frequency: Auto

DRAM Timing Control:

CAS = 5

RAS to CAS = 5

RAS Precharge = 5

RAS Activate to Precharge = 15 (leave every other setting at auto)


DRAM Static Read Control: Auto

Dram Read Training : Auto

MEM OC Charger : Auto

Ai Clock Twister : Auto

Ai Transaction Booster : Auto


CPU Voltage : 1.325 (found this in another post)

CPU GTL Reference: Auto

CPU PLL Voltage : Auto

FSB Termination Voltage: Auto

DRAM Voltage : 2.1

NB Voltage : 1.3v

PCIE Sata Voltage: Auto


Load Line Calabration : Disable for now

CPU Sread Spectrum : Disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum : Disabled

CPU Clock Skew: Auto

MB Clock Skew: Auto

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Sorry, this thread is duplicated on my original post. I was not able to change the title of my other post, same system new issue.

There have already been replies on the other post.

To read the original post use the following link:


Other Post


Thanks for your help!!!!

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