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Need help for timings of OCZ's

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Hi all. I'm new at OCC's forums.i've registered for gettin help.because i thought best place for my problem. and will be good experience for me.i tried to write my best, sorry for if i fault.


I didnt use my system in last 2 months about my exams. i configured it yesterday and my bios settings were defeault. i did my all ram timings stable when i put away my system. i saw yesterday settings were default.

today i updated my bios to F5 but i cant get stable timings.my rams stable at OCCT,LinX and memtest86 but they fault in prime95 and orthos in blend test.i m gettin fatal roundin error.


i thought problem was voltages.i increased NB voltage,still fault. tried relaxin timings again fault in prime95.there is no O/C on CPU and GPU. i will buy better CPU cooler because my Phenom II 940 gettin too hot in Prime95. it saw 70 celcius.i didnt trust stock cooler.here is I just want to use my OCZ Reaper's at 1066mhz without O/C other components. i will o/c my cpu after buyin new cooler.


my old stable timings were 5-5-5-15 2T @ 2.1-2.2V TRC=36 TRFC was 195ns i didnt understand on bios. and 1.35v NB voltage.


I need help right here forum.What can i do for using my OCZ's at 1066 mhz with good timings.i dont need O/C CPU for now. THANKS for all comments and helps.

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