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Speedfan Vs Realtemp Measurements

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Hi I have a new i7 930, it's currently running at 3.2 GHz with stock voltages. RealTemp measures 42-45 C idle and 60-65 C when playing Crysis at the highest setting.


The problem is, SpeedFan shows much lower temperatures on the cores, almost 15 C (!) less. I don't know the Tj Max for the i7 930 but RealTemp uses 100 as default and the temps seem kinda high for a custom cooler. Everest also seems to be using a Tj Max of 100.


Should I change the Tj Max (to what value?) or check my cooler? (Zalman CNPS9900A LED, yes I chose it for the looks)

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Hi I have a new i7 930, it's currently running at 3.2 GHz with stock voltages. RealTemp measures 42-45 C idle and 60-65 C when playing Crysis at the highest setting.


The problem is, SpeedFan shows much lower temperatures on the cores, almost 15 C (!) less. I don't know the Tj Max for the i7 930 but RealTemp uses 100 as default and the temps seem kinda high for a custom cooler. Everest also seems to be using a Tj Max of 100.


Should I change the Tj Max (to what value?) or check my cooler? (Zalman CNPS9900A LED, yes I chose it for the looks)


I would probably trust the Everest readings the most. Real temp, Core Temp and Speedfan never seem to agree. !00 is WAY to high. I7s will throttle themselves @ 90. I would set it at 80 max but I would not run sustained above 75 if it were me. I think Intel recommends 67 max but low 70s will probably do no harm. Your temps seem about normal for air. You could try resetting the cooler with some new thermal paste to see if anything changes.

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For some reason temperatures are different now, both RealTemp and Everest measured 40 C idle @ 3.3 GHz stock voltages and 67 C max after 5 hours of prime95.


Those temps were recorded with a Tj Max of 100, I don't trust speedfan because there is no way the cores are idling at 30 C (it's very warm here atm)

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