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High temps on q9300


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My idle temps through realtemp, coretemp, and CPUID HM all show 53,51,47,50 for my 4 cores. Under prime95 they get close to 80. I have reapplied thermal and reseated my artic freezer pro 7 and I dropped maybe 1 degree. I am running an OC of 3.2 ghz with a 1.29375 vcore. CPU-Z puts my actual voltage at 1.280. I thought these chips were supposed to idle around 30ish and hit 50 under load? Should I be concerned?

Edited by Utmost

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That is a bit high, but then again you are running a good bit of voltage through your chip, and you CPU Cooler is not the best. You should try to keep your core temps in the low 70s. If you can try to back down the volts a bit, or get a new CPU cooler. I personally like the CM hyper 212+ as a budget cooler.

Edited by Bandrew

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