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Newbie general OC questions

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I have a i5-750 and was wondering about OCing it. Ive read that the best way to do it is to up the FSB by 10 MHz and test then up it some more. my question is do you always have to go by 10 MHz? or can you pick some random number like +7 MHz (ie. from 133 MHz to 140 MHz)? Also, if you change the core voltage from auto like some suggest, does the voltage change with load or does it stay at the voltage you specify all the time.


As for my GPU i have a Sapphire 5770 Vapor-X and based on reviews, it OCs well. However, if I change the clock or memory even 1 Mhz i get screen tears. I tried using both CCC and MSI afterburner with the same results. I am running 2 - 19" monitors at 1400x900. Not looking for crazy OCs with the GPU but I am getting a little frustrated that I am unable to eek out even just a little extra performance. I just like knowing the fact that I can push it harder if the mood strikes me. Any ideas as to whats going on?

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For me I usually will go up by 7 the first time around to give me an even number then pick either 5 or 10 to increase by every time...makes things easier when doing the multiplication in your head


When you manually set the voltage, yes it will stay at 1.25 if that's what you set it to...


Good luck!

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it doesn't matter what increments you go up by. its kind of arbitrary. but you shouldn't make it too big, or your system may not boot. 5 & 10 are the most common.


as for your gpu. that is a very strange problem. have you tried updating your drivers? also, you may want to try riviatuner. but make sure its the latest version, so its compatible with the latest driver.

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thanks for the info about my cpu. my gpu is still giving me problems tho. I do have the current driver for my card but downloaded it again just to make sure. Rivatuner does not support the driver version.



*update* the problem seems to only affect my second monitor, even dialing the clock down to 850-855 MHz gives the same problem. tried updating my monitors drivers as well. seems my computer is stuck with the default settings <_<

Edited by btchwherezmypie

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try switching the monitors around on the back of the card. it may be an issue with one of the dvi ports


I tried this, did not work. I tried running on one monitor at a time to see if that could be an issue and both my monitors tested fine. I ran both monitors on each port, even swapped the connection on my monitors themselves and have no issues, so its a dual monitor issue. I also tried turning Aero off.


Could it be a PSU issue? I have an Enermax 500W. This is a new build, I am using the same monitors and was using an ATI 4650 from my old pc until upgrading to the 5770 this past Tuesday

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It may or may not be your psu, but I would recommend upgrading it anyway. probably to one thats at least 600w.


I had a 550w psu and my system would randomly crash. I upgraded to a 750w modular and its a lot more stable now

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The PSU idea is good and may prove quite useful, but if you have narrowed down the issue to only affecting dual monitors, your card may simply be designed to *support* two monitors at stock speeds but one monitor is where performance can be gained. i would email the specific company and ask for a detailed answer, not the answer found all over their FAQ, theres a reason why us users take time to email them, its cuz FAQ is usually vague and useless. like "why isnt my monitor working" answer = "try checking the connections and check if its plugged in". who doesnt check that before they go in search of answers? hope you can resolve your issue.

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