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Need help with Overclock on P5K3 + Q6600 + DDR3 1066mhz


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Hi all, new to the forums and asking for help already :)


Looking for someone to assist me with obtaining a stable OC of around 3.6Ghz.

My system is as follows:-


Asus P5K3 Deluxe mobo

Q6600 (G0 Revision)

4GB OCZ Gold DDR3 1066mhz

(specs from OCZ website:--CL 7-7-7-16(CAS-TRCD-TRP-TRAS),1.5 - 1.6 Volts*, Special features 1.8V EVP**)

Zalman V2 Reserator Watercooling.


ATM i have everything at default settings


Asus P5K3 Deluxe Wifi Bios Settings

Bios 1206

JumperFree Configuration Settings

CPU Clock :Auto

Multiplier :Auto

FSB Frequency :Auto

PCI-E Frequency :Auto


DRAM Frequency:Auto

Dram Command Rate 2N?

DRAM Timings:-

CAS# Latency:7.0

RAS# to CAS# Delay:7.0

RAS# Precharge:7.0

RAS# Activate to Precharge:16

TWR: Auto

TRFC: Auto

TWTR: Auto



DRAM Static Read Control:

Transaction Booster:Auto

Boost Level :

Clock Over-Charging Mode:


CPU Spread Spectrum: Auto

PCIE Spread Spectrum: Auto

CPU Voltage:Auto

CPU Voltage Reference:Auto

CPU Voltage Damper:Auto

CPU PLL Voltage: Auto

DRAM Voltage: Auto

FSB Termination Voltage: Auto

North Bridge Voltage: Auto

North Bridge Voltage Reference:Auto

South Bridge Voltage:Auto

Advance CPU Settings

C1E Suppport:Enabled

Max CPUID Value Limit:Enabled

Vanderpool Technology:Enabled

CPU TM Function:Enabled

Execute Disable Bit:Enabled


CPUZ Readout:-









I've had a read through various posts about overclocking this cpu but i always tend to get confused when it comes to the actual settings in the BIOS itself.

The main settings seem to be:-

DRAM Frequency, FSB Frequency, FSB Strap, and then all the voltages.

If one of you brainiacs can give me the required settings it would be greatly appreciated.


The problem i've found with the "guides" is that none ever seem to have the right combo of memory/board/CPU.


I kinda understand how the ratio stuff works (9x400=3.6Ghz etc.) but its getting the right mix of voltages and DRAM/FSB Frequencies)

Oh well, i've rambled on enough.

Thanks in advance...

Edited by RazerM

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First of all, Welcome to OCC.


Sorry, but I can't help with the give me all the settings for my Bios thing. All boards/chips are not created equally, so even if you where to get someone elses settings that actually worked on your setup you still wouldn't know if it is optimized for your system. I understand this is becoming the "new" way of OCing but I'm still old school, I believe you should know what all the Bios settings are for and how they interact with your system and if you aren't sure about any of them to google it and find out what it is. It will really pay off in the long run for you to do it that way.


Here is a beginners guide that may help: http://www.clunk.org.uk/forums/overclockin...rs-p5k-add.html


and as I stated if there is something your not sure of google is a big help. Good luck.

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Ok, that's one setting i forgot to add to my BIOS template:-

FSB Strap to NorthBridge...the setting available are 200mhz, 266mhz, 333mhz and 400mhz


so ive tried the 1:1 Dram Frequency as follows:-


Asus P5K3 Deluxe Wifi Bios Settings

Bios 1206

JumperFree Configuration Settings

CPU Clock :Manual

Multiplier :9x

FSB Frequency :350

PCI-E Frequency :100

FSB Strap to NorthBridge: 400mhz (333 wouldnt post)

DRAM FrequencyDR3-700mhz

Dram Command Rate 2N

DRAM Timings:-

CAS# Latency:7.0

RAS# to CAS# Delay:7.0

RAS# Precharge:7.0

RAS# Activate to Precharge:16

TWR: Auto

TRFC: Auto

TWTR: Auto



DRAM Static Read Control:

Transaction Booster:Auto

Boost Level :

Clock Over-Charging Mode:


CPU Spread Spectrum: Auto disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum: Auto disabled

CPU Voltage:Auto 1.36

CPU Voltage Reference:Auto

CPU Voltage Damper:Auto

CPU PLL Voltage: Auto

DRAM Voltage: Auto

FSB Termination Voltage: Auto

North Bridge Voltage: 1.4

North Bridge Voltage Reference:Auto

South Bridge Voltage:Auto

Advance CPU Settings

C1E Suppport:Enabled disabled

Max CPUID Value Limit:Enabled

Vanderpool Technology:Enabled disabled

CPU TM Function:Enabled disabled

Execute Disable Bit:Enabled disabled


As i stated, ive now managed to set the Ram and CPU at 1:1 and boot to windows with those setings.

So, dumb question, but how does the Strap setting work? Do i just leave it at 400mhz now and increase the FSB and leave the DRam freq at 1:1 (to increase the overclock). or does having the strap setting at 400mhz limit me from increasing any further?

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Tried these settings


JumperFree Configuration Settings

CPU Clock :Manual

Multiplier :Auto

FSB Frequency :380

PCI-E Frequency :100

FSB Strap to North Bridge:Auto

DRAM FrequencyDR3 1013mhz

Dram Command Rate 2N?

DRAM Timings:-

CAS# Latency:7.0

RAS# to CAS# Delay:7.0

RAS# Precharge:7.0

RAS# Activate to Precharge:16

TWR: Auto

TRFC: Auto

TWTR: Auto



DRAM Static Read Control:

Transaction Booster:Auto

Boost Level :

Clock Over-Charging Mode:


CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum: Disabled

CPU Voltage:1.4v tested up to 1.465v in steps currently trying 1.475v

CPU Voltage Reference:Auto

CPU Voltage Damper:Auto

CPU PLL Voltage: Auto

DRAM Voltage: 1.60v

FSB Termination Voltage: Auto

North Bridge Voltage: Auto

North Bridge Voltage Reference:Auto

South Bridge Voltage:Auto

Advance CPU Settings

C1E Suppportisabled

Max CPUID Value Limitisabled

Vanderpool Technologyisabled

CPU TM Functionisabled

Execute Disable Bitisabled


As you can see, i've tried upping the VCore in increments but to no avail, last test at 1.465 on Prime95 resulted in BSOD with something written about Memory Management.


So seeing as ive now tried most of the Vcore settings up to 1.5v im guessing it has GOT to be something to do with the FBS Strap settings (which as you can see i've left at auto for the testing)


Any help would be greatly appreciated



Edit: Ok running at Vcore 1.475 on Prime95, the test actually lasted more than a few minutes this time, but i stopped it manually due to the temps climbing above 71 degrees. Im pretty sure from what ive read on various posts that i shouldnt need to go that high on the CPU Voltage.

is 71 degrees too much on Prime95 after only a few minutes? is 1.475v too much to be running at with 380x9-DDR3-1013mhz settings?

or is everything going to hinge on a correct Strap setting?


tbh i daren't leave Prime95 running at 1.475v in case it does any damage, i'll wait to hear from you guys before i test any further.

Edited by RazerM

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