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E6300 Conroe 3.4ghz on Water am i done?

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i tried messing with a bunch of settings last night trying to overclock this chip, the best i got it was 3.4ghz @ 43C idle, its only stable for about a few hours and resets though. I'm not going to say I'm new to overclocking just inexperienced with it, i used to just jack up the FSB a bit and call it a day.


Anyways this is what i did to get 3.4ghz @ 43C idle ON WATER.




Any recommendations, tweaks, am i too high on voltage? Temps are fine i read that the chip doesn't start to flake until about 70C.


Yes, i know i got a 1.54ghz overclock out of it, but i don't believe I've reached limitations yet! Thermals are fine, for my FSB settings on my motherboard i can make the chip hit over 4ghz @ 7x multiplier the problem is i don't know what im doing too much on the voltage end and such and need some help. All in all i think i came a good deal on my own so far.


P.s i did hit 3.5ghz but it froze right after i validated it on cpu-z ha.

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Where is your memory sitting at?


It does look like you are pushing alot of voltage through that chip. But I'm sure you will be fine.


Have you tried lapping the chip or the waterblock?


What are your load temps like?

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