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Need help overclocking my build please

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Hi all,

I am new to these forums and fairly new to PC building. I built my first PC about a year ago and these are the specs:


HAF 932 Case

Foxconn P43A Motherboard

E8500 Processor

2x2GB OCZ Reaper 1066 PC2-8500 DDR2

OCZ XTC Ram Cooler

Titan Fenrir CPU Cooler

OCZ ModXstream Pro 600w PSU

Sapphire HD4850 GPU

NZXT Fan Controller


I am basically trying to overclock my CPU and GPU to the best of their abilities and am having a few problems doing this. I have got the CPU from 3.16ghz to 3.8ghz but for some reason it fails the Benchmark tests and freezes. I am not too sure on the voltages to be used and would appreciate any help in this area. I know I have adequate cooling but am unsure to how good my board is. I also find that anything above 4ghz and I can't even boot up and finding it tricky to get my ram to run at 1066 as it runs at 800 at the moment. I feel that foxconn's bios is not very user friendly but can't really afford to buy a new board at the moment. I also was wondering on the automatic overdrive in ATI catalyst is it worth doing for overclocking card. I know I only play Warcraft but it is always nice to tinker with stuff and I am always eager to learn. Doing my head in resetting with the jumper everytime I mess up though arrrghhhhh. Thanks in advance.



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thx for the help so far lol.


Well I got my chip to 3.8ghz and voltage is 1.36 and everything seems stable. Had to overclock my board to run ram at 1066 and turned voltage up to 2.2 for that. Does all this sound about right. can't get more out of my chip as I can't get the dram ratio I would like :(

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