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Can't Reach 1T Command Rate


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Hey guys, I have got my system running a pretty sick overclock in my opinion for air cooling. 2.9GHz AMD Athlon to 3.26GHz. I am pretty much stuck at this speed, because any higher I BSOD and I'm not willing to raise my voltage much higher, as I'm already running pretty hot (like 56C under load but stable, and I was looking through AMD"s datasheets and it looks like the maximum temperature the chip can withstand is 65C).


Anyways, I am trying to get my RAM stable at 1T Command Rate. Memtest86 was giving me fits, so I increased memory voltage and still no cigar. After searching, I learned that Athlon chips have the memory controller integrated on die, which I thought was new to AM3 chips. So I moved the voltage back to its stock (2.1v) and upped the CPU's voltage a bit more to (1.4v). Memtest86 ran much longer, but still, it did report errors (this time at test 5 instead of 3 and 4).


My question for you guys, with consideration to my temps as stated earlier, should I keep pushing my CPU to get the 1T command rate stable?

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