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Halp! PHP issues


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Okay so i'm trying to return all the values for "data" within the rows of a table with a delete button next to them.




It all works so far, except the delete button doesnt delete




mysql_select_db("alinco_alincosite", $con);

  $result = mysql_query("select * from news order by id desc");

  $id = $_GET['ID'];

  if (isset($id))


  mysql_query("DELETE FROM news WHERE ID = '$id'");

  echo "Post deleted!";




  echo $r["data"];

  echo "<a href=\"?del=".$r['ID']."\">Delete</a><br />";


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You are telling it to get the value of ID from the query string, but that value isn't there.


$id = $_GET['ID'];

echo "<a href=\"?del=".$r['ID']."\">Delete</a><br />";


You should be able to either change the value in the $_GET or the query string value apended to the url.

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You are telling it to get the value of ID from the query string, but that value isn't there.


$id = $_GET['ID'];

echo "<a href=\"?del=".$r['ID']."\">Delete</a><br />";


You should be able to either change the value in the $_GET or the query string value apended to the url.


Is there a way to put the ID value in that query string?

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