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Windows Explorer freezes


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Yesterday i was watching a movie on VLC media player and i pause the film to check something and i noticed that i couldn t click the taskbar nor the icons on my desktop. Right click also didn t work. Also TAB didn t work but when i pressed CTRL+ALT+DEL things solved. There was no message of Not Responding window or Not Responding Windows Explorer. And the funny thigs is the click worked in the player. Well, i thought i solved the problem so i got back to my movie. When the movie ended i closed the player and again happened . Again CTRL+ALT+DEL . And today happened AGAIN. I don t get any explorer error or Not Responding error. i just can`t click anything on my desktop or taskbar except the current application i m running (today i was running traktor dj studio, yesterday VLC media player) until i press CTRL+ALT+DEL.


Did this happenen to any of you? What could be the problem? :blink:


i forgot to mention that i experienced this on windows 7 RC 7100 x64 and now it s happening on RTM x64

Edited by xpander

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