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PC no longer turns on

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VRM's definitely look friend . Try an RMA. you bough it from Newegg im guessing. they will return anything if you complain about it enough.


XxHellxRaizerxX are you from Columbia Missouri?

If so im 30 miles down the road from you

I live about an hour and a half north in Hannibal actually.


Last board I put my hands on which lacked a VRM heatsink ended up dying under load and also killed the processor



Those MOSFETs get very hot under load, you can't overclock as much (well you can but...) and you shouldn't use as much Vcore if they don't have a heatsink

k good to know, I nkow of a thread on here where someone was making custom heatsinks. I might get one of those or just sell the RMA'd board i get and upgrade...

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