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BSOD when i increase voltage


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Lately i started to get into OCing, i managed to get my e7200 running at 3.3 without any problems.


When i raise it above 3.3 i start to get errors when i'm running prime95, so i went to the next step of upping the voltage a bit and seeing where this gets me.


The problem comes when i alter it, i get a BSOD just as the windows loading bar starts moving. "0x0000007e"


After this i tried to set the voltage at stock numbers but set the option to "manual" instead of "automatic" and i still got the bsod, so i don't understand why it can boot same volt 1 time and not the other.


I'm using a GA-EP35C-DS3R



Any further information you need i will obviously comply with, wasn't sure what you would need really.


All help appreciated i really want to beat this thing!


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