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Low Profile heatsink for HD4870 VRMs


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Can anyone help me out on this one. I just got the Turbo Cooler fro Atric Cooling and I am looking for a nice VRM heatsink now, something like Powercolor has implemented on their card



I need it to be a low profile so it can fit under the GPU heatsink. The heatsinks that come with the Twin Turbo



are small and they do not disipate the heat fast enough, so when I OC the GPU to 820, in furmark althought GPU temp goes only to 69 the VRM temp can reach 129, which is a bit scary.


In regular games VRM tops at 105C and GPU at 60C


So any other suggestions will be appreciated. Also if someone has done a custom cooling on their powercolor card I am willing to pay and buy your old VRM heatsink .



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Solved the problem. I just used the stock VRAM heatsink from my HIS HD4870 1GB card


I just had to bend a little some of the Twin Turbo Heatsink fins so I can fit the VRM heatsink fins between the GPU Heatsink fins.


One think that everyone there should look out when implementing Aftermarket cooling is the cooling for the VRMs especially if you are overclocking.


Now my VRM temps when playing at full load and 75oMHz stock clock went from 95C to 85C. I will post my temps at 820MHz and higher once the thermal paste settles in a little. I'll also do some furmark testing too.



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Yeah, thanks for the reply, is just that I needed something more solid and less flimsy. Something like one peace solution.

I wish they made a heat pipe solution for the VRMs, something like the HR03 but with a coperplate and heat pipe on the side that touches the VRMs and then a nice large heatsink on the back side of the card, that is on the other end of the U shaped heat pipe

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I am not sure if anyone is interested but I thought of giving you an update on temps.

So I went with uusing the stock VRM heatsink from teh HIS hd4870 1GB and a Twin Turbo heatsink /fan for the GPU.

When using the Heatsinks provided by Artic Cooling with the Twin Turbo Heatsink I was geting Idle51C and Full Load VRM Temp close to 120C


When using my stock VRM heatsink provided by HIS my IDLE VRM Temps are 49C, and my Full Load VRM Temps are 89C


So that is quite an improvement, right now I have my card OCed at 820/1000 but I can safely go to 840-850 on the GPU.


One thing that these after market cooler manufacturers dont think is about cooling the other components on the Video Card. They did an excelent job on the GPU cooler but they forgot that the VRMs heat up as much and even more than the GPU, so even if you put a water cooler on your GPU and a tinny little heatsinks on the VRMs you wont be able to oc more than 780.



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