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Kind of lost: Safely Adjusting Vtt and Pll

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I have a Q9550 and I want to know how to safely adjust my vtt and pll.


What is considered on the safe side of high? what is the known highest?

When is it OK to adjust vtt and pll?

How do you figure the best value? Does it depend on Vcore? Is there a chart?


Any clarifications welcome :D


Thanks all!


Also, When should I change the NB and SB voltages? And here also, what is the maximum and what is safe for 45nm?


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Unless you are really pushing your OC you shouldn't have to worry about vtt,pll voltages. Usually just set to the default settings. NB will depend on your FSB setting, SB usually stock (default) setting will do. If you would like to know about the recommended (intel) max voltages you can download the data sheet.




As with everything else if you ARE really pushing your OC it's a whole other ball game.

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