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E7300 Overclock Question


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Looking for some guidance from all you experienced overclockers. This is my first overclock and I'm wondering how much head rooom I have to attempt to reach 4ghz on my E7300. Since this is my first overclock I am trying to be as conservative as possible. I'm currenlty running at about 3.8 ghz at 1.376v as measured by CPU-Z. Temp maxed out at about 63c on both coretemp and hwmonitor while running prime95. On average the temp is around 59c or so. How far should I push the voltage and when should I start to be concerned with the temp. (70c?).


Also as I've been ramping up the clock I've had a few rounding errors, always on core 1, while running prime95. I solved these by raising the voltage. Something to be highly concerned about?


Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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