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Had To Post! And Thank Occ ;)


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I've been running this system for a year now, With two major changes throughout the year. The addition of ccokemans' GTS's Again Thanks And a raped E4400 out of my wife's corporate machine :ph34r: . I've have always been able to stabilize my machine quite easily @ 3.0g, but any bump over that and I started not posting, or post and crash, just the unhappy machine, like both the E2180 and the E4400 hit a brick wall @ that point. Well I got tired of not being able to go over 3 and be stable. So I played yesterday, hard... 30-40 hard shutdowns / restarts... and my machine loves me. I was stable 3.0g @ 1.36~v I was running 4-3-3-10 or 4-4-4-12 timings @ factory speeds. And after a chat with hardnrg the other day I got very curious. normally I run 2.1v dimm. after a jump to 900mhz and a drop of timings to 5-5-5-15 and an INCREASE to 2.3v I've got that half taken care of. However it did take some playing around with the SPP and MCP +v as well being as my motherboard won't go over 1.5 on either. Needless to say I've finally hit my +3g point I've been hunting for for over a year now... it took a vcore change of +0.1 !! to total 1.46 (idle) 1.44 100% load. to make a 75 mhz fsb change. it rose exponentially after the 3.0 mark hence my "hit a brick wall statement"..


I've stopped any / all further overclocking due to the raise in full load temps I went from 59-61 full load to 76 full load :blink: But I have finally reached one of my two goals. And with a better cooling solution I would probably be able to hit teh goad of 3.2 that I've been trying to get to.


I want to give a deep appreciation to this website and it's members, being as without their insight and knowledge I would have been unable to PWN my machine.


hardnrg and myself laughed the other day in chat, I use IBT for stability and he said the words correctly, you knwo right off wether your stable or not it's insta-crash if your not.. lol..


Here is my 10 test stable IBT ;)




OCC FTW!!!!!!!!!!


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