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What is the best thing to do, if i cant overclock in my bios setup,it is apparently "locked",so do i still have hope?using software

My motherboard is a nvidia 680! 7100, whatever that means.and the processor a e 7200 dual core. But i hear ntune is very unreliable, what is going to allow me to overclock?i heard the only overclockables are the extreme editions of intel that un in the thousands of $'s, is this really true?

yes this is a prebuilt out of the box made in the factory computer, and i didnt know what i was buying had i known then what i know now i would attempted to make my own custom. its doing ok but i want more from this thing.

anyway maybe il just upgrade the proccessor and fix the whole problem,but is this alot of work?,does the prccesor have to work with motherboard to be able craption correctly?for example if i bought a intel extreme proccessor probly the worst one, will it work with my mother board, is this a issue,a issue between motherbords and proccessors im guessing it is but im not sure.

i dont want to spend money i dont have so thats why im asking about the cheapo way of doing it, overclocking my 2.5 ghz processor to 3 ghz if its even possible.

if you need me to send out all of specs can you please tell me how as iam not that computer smart as you can probly tell.

i managed to put in another fan at the back of the comp its working good and this is meant for the increased heat to be combated if i should ever be able to do a small oc.i know its not that simple theirs the voltage thing and the ram thing if you can explain a little i might be able to help myself again.

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You'll have to wait for ClockGen to return if you want to try software overclocking. It's a bit more difficult, and you'll probably come no-where near the full potential of your hard ware.

Argiht so ther is some hope,phew.

but wtih clockgen is it better than ntune?

what will i overclock?cpu and the processor?

and what does this fsb and pci clock? what do you recomend to get an overclock to 3 ghz?

what controls what?

what will increasing my front side bus clock do for me in terms of "games" that can play well?

what will increasing pci bus do , do increase both or just one?

and for vlotage and memory what do i do>?

are they updating clockgen for a better oc?

Edited by bizzmark

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