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Hello, this is in regard to the main system listed in my sig.


I recently moved and left my computer for storage with a friend. When I returned to pick it up they had removed my HDD and my video card (which they had wraped up in a dish rag)... Anyways, I drive the nearly ~400 miles to the new house. I put the video card in, borrow a HDD from a friend and...


Nothing... It powers on, but there is no output from the video card. What leads me to believe it's a motherboard issue is that it doesn't work with any card I have access to (7900GTO, 7600GT, X300). The weird thing is, after not displaying anything, it displayed video for about 10 seconds, and since then it won't display anything.


I believe these boards have a one year warranty (which it's still under), I'm not quite sure where to start.. making sure it's the board etc.. and if so how to go about fixing the problem, whether by RMA (if it's possible) or what.





Edit: There are no post beeps either for some reason..

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"When I returned to pick it up they had removed my HDD and my video card"




so, you are cool with them using/taking your HD and Vid, and now the motherboard may be buggered????


bummer all around...



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"When I returned to pick it up they had removed my HDD and my video card"




so, you are cool with them using/taking your HD and Vid, and now the motherboard may be buggered????


bummer all around...




Not cool with it at all, just want to get my system going once again. It may be showing it's age a slight bit, but it's still a beast :)

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Check all connectors/memory still in the slots?

If this fails it may be the board, could be the CPU or even the power supply.



Clear the CMOS for 10mins.

Remove everything and only leave CPU.

Make sure the speaker jumper is enabled.


Power the PC.

Does it beep?


Yes, then turn off and insert 1 memory module in the top orange slot.

Try again. (no beep at this stage = board or CPU)



If it beeps, turn off and insert the gfx card.

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Check all connectors/memory still in the slots?

If this fails it may be the board, could be the CPU or even the power supply.



Clear the CMOS for 10mins.

Remove everything and only leave CPU.

Make sure the speaker jumper is enabled.


Power the PC.

Does it beep?


Yes, then turn off and insert 1 memory module in the top orange slot.

Try again. (no beep at this stage = board or CPU)



If it beeps, turn off and insert the gfx card.


Okay, I'll give that a try after I get off of work tonight. Thanks!

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