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thnx 4 the info, here's what I see...




my thoughts - I found it very weird when I got my PSU back up and running that my ram was running @ 333mhz, and with the issues I've been having of late I've reason to believe perhaps some settings may have been reset somehow...I'm tempted to load optimised defaults in bios and see what happens, otherwise from what A64info shows, any further suggestions? Cheers

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"IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" always smacks of DRAM settings and/or errors. Your memtest is coming up with errors - so you'll always see things like checksums failing, corrupt downloads failed product installs and the like.


Are you running 2x1Gb sticks? Or 2 sets of matched 512Mb?


First step on your way is to modify your drive strength and data drive strength. You can try and few - start with @HITandRUNs and see what you get. Move them back to something more like 3-4-4-8 and then your other settings should be ok. Only other standout - you are running them 2T for some reason... I'd switch that over to 1T (CPC-enable) but that is more of a performance reason than stability.


Right, all that said - those Ballistix sticks have a rather nasty habit of dying after a while... If you cannot get them stable, then you'll have to RMA them and get some that work.

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thnx for your input, ganders75...in answer to your Q, I'm running 2x1GB sticks...I'm certainly trying all options here, but from what I've read even RMA-ing these back to Crucial (closest address is Singapore!) may just result in me receiving another bad pair! Maybe I'm just being negative, considering when I RMA'd my PSU they upgraded me to a GameXstream since my original PowerStream had EOL'd. Cheers

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thnx for your input, ganders75...in answer to your Q, I'm running 2x1GB sticks...I'm certainly trying all options here, but from what I've read even RMA-ing these back to Crucial (closest address is Singapore!) may just result in me receiving another bad pair! Maybe I'm just being negative, considering when I RMA'd my PSU they upgraded me to a GameXstream since my original PowerStream had EOL'd. Cheers


RMA the sticks and get a new pair and than sell them! My sticks died after 3 months of hard core performance! I mean I knew this was going to happen and still bought them just to see what they could do! 305MHZ 1:1 1T was very impressive for a 2gig set! After they died I sent them back to NewEgg and since they didn't have them in stock they gave my my money back! It worked out pretty well for me! BTW: I had to wait a week for the Crucial tech support to answer my RMA request!

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