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Problems with sata maxtor 300gb drive

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Hi, Is there a problem with putting large drives on the old nf2 754?

My 300gb maxtor sata2-switched to a sata1- drive only came up with approx 120gb(sorry i cant remember the exact figure-6 months ago).

Am I doing something wrong ? Do I need to update the bios?

thanks for you comments


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Your OS does not support LBA48. You either need Linux, Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows XP SP2 (included in the installer CDs).


Do NOT try to write anything to the disk if the setups detect 130GB, because you'll have problems later.


If this is a secondary drive, make sure you have Windows XP SP1 or Windows 2000 SP3 and then install the correspondin, or use this tool:



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this is size limit on older OS the way i get around this is to set up the sata drive as secondary hard drive on existing windows installation and format it. you should get the correct size from this procedure then remove your existing hard drive and install windows on the existing partition.. DO NOT Format this partition from the installation disk.. poof 300gb GL!

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