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Ramm Miracle (939 nf3 ultra D)

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This is my ramm


512 333 cosir value (DFI hates it)

2X 256 400 hyunda

512 433 Infereon (DFI hates it)


So my mobo DFI NF3 Ultra D now runs 1GB of ramm in slot 3 and 4..it seems the ramm hates to be run in a single config meaning 1 in slot 1 and 1 in slot 3 yet in a dual channel config they run fine at 333 and 400 MHZ with slighter higher timmings to offset the diffrance in them...they have me floored because I tried this in slot 1 and 2 didn't work thought the ram didn't like the mobo end of story...


Somehow the ramm that the mobo hates will run together in dual config only with the newest DFI bios for the board,I ahve been trying to get them to run on and off for months....and now boom they work they are happy together 0-o



I am like

1.I am good

2.this mofoer mobo is messing with me

3.lucky bastard


or 4

the lucky mofoing bastard with a computer than likes head games.....why cant I have a GF that likes "head games" ;_;

why cant I have a GF at all.....wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!



so I put in my 2X 256 400 hyunda and now I am running 1.5GB of ramm stable and responsive, 2.5,3,3,6 10 T2 at 16 idle at 166Mhz


My vid card is a AGP BFG OC GT 6800

3dmark has shown a drop of 10 points but I still above 11 thousand I have bench tested burned in this new config...I am still confused....but happy? 0_o


I watered down the water down cussing so I wont get into to much trouble*L*

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