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Can't boot to windows, can't install windows

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somehow my boot-lock problem cleared itself up, but i think i corrupted a DLL on my windows HDD, as i can't boot to windows


Windows could not start because of an error in the software

report problem as:

load needed DLLs for kernel.


i have a second hdd, which was formatted, but when i

try to install windows on it, it says that there is some exe file missing


file i386ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. error code is 4


if i try to boot to the second hdd with nothing on it, i get an error that says "couldn't find NTLDR".


also, ive plugged both hdds into this computer and i can browse them as if there's nothing wrong.

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If the power supply is too weak you will experience a lot of problems.

Like windows not being able to install.


Underclock your CPU, choose the lowest CPU ratio. (X4).

Set the memory voltage to 2.8v.


And try again.


That may help but you msut get a good power supply for it to work.

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ive been running this PSU for about 6 months and never had problems like this. even if i disconnect devices i still get the errors.


Its possible the psu kicked the bucket from too much stress over time.. Hopefully you didnt damage something else by using such a underpowered psu..

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To fix the NTLDR not being found insert a blank floppy disk in the drive which has been formatted with Windows XP and then do this:


1. Reboot and hit F8 a few times to access the Windows Advanced menu. From there, choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only. This loads CMD.EXE.

2. Type CD and hit Enter. This will take you to a C: prompt.

3. Type ATTRIB -S -H and hit Enter. You'll probably see a message appear on screen that the system can't find the Page file, but this isn't important.

5. Type COPY BOOT.INI A: and hit Enter to copy that file to the floppy.

6. Type COPY NTDETECT.COM A: and hit Enter.

7. Type COPY NTLDR A: and hit Enter.

8. Type ATTRIB +S +H and hit Enter. The message about the missing Page file will appear again, but just ignore it as before.

9. Hit CTRL+ALT+DEL to bring up the options dialog box.

10. Click the "Windows" tab and choose to restart the PC.


When the PC reboots, it will read the NTLDR file which points it to the Boot.ini and should enable Windows to load correctly.


It goes without saying that the first boot device in the BIOS should be "Removable" with "Hard Disk" as second boot device for this to work.


If you haven't got a floppy disk which has been formatted with Windows XP, you'll need to do that first from the "Safe Mode Command Prompt Only" prompt. Just type "Format A:" to format it and then proceed with the rest of the instructions.

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thanks, i'll try that. any advice on


Windows could not start because of an error in the software

report problem as:

load needed DLLs for kernel.




file i386ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. error code is 4

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but that still doesnt explain why i cant do a windows install on my other PC (the one i'm using now)

When you see the message to hit F6 to install a SCSI driver, hit F7. That will disable ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) which may be interfering with the installation.

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