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Corsair TWINX4400C25 only 400mhz on a LanParty UT nF4 Ultra-D

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Hello @ All !


I have a LanParty UT nF4 Ultra-D since a few days. A really wonderful board !

But now i have a little problem.


My DDR RAM (memory) is 2 x 512MB Corsair TWINX4400C25 with 550 Mhz.

But my board show my memory on boot with only 400 Mhz.:sad:

How can i get work my memory with 550 Mhz???

Can anybody tell me what i must change in my bios settings to get the 550 Mhz for my memory?


My bios version is 623_3.



thanx for ur help !


best wishes from germany



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During POST (at boot) system doesn't show you any actual values, only relative ones. "DDR400" thus only means that you're using 200/1:1 divider.


(Btw, create a signature with your system specs. You can use mine as a guideline.)


Anyway 623-3 BIOS doesn't allow you to use higher freq for memory than your current HTT freq. So if you're not OCed, than 1:1 (200 Mhz) is your best option. To get any higher you should either OC your CPU (increase HTT) or flash a beta (702) BIOS which allows you to set RAM freq higher than HTT.

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