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  1. 2560x1600 looks better than 1920 x 1080 to me any which way I cut it. Desktop clarity and during gaming. The key is having the GPU to support it. My question to you is what video card are you using? currently 4350 1GB.was planning to buy 7990 but u people convinced me to not get it.
  2. Guys.my frnd has a broadband line 360kb=45KB.With this line can easily see the youtube videos in 480p.just gets buffer for 1-3 sec and no buffer next 3-4 minitues.I have 512kb=64KB line where it is almost impossible for me to watch video in 360p.i usually see in 240p.I get this speed constant always.i m amazed to see it. Do u guys,have any explanation of this problem? Thankss
  3. Guys,i have a RES. about 1368X768.a frnd of me is doing fun on me cause he is saying that very soon i will have a powerful gpu but don't have a decent RES.monitor so i can't utilize it well.can u tell me what is the advantage of it?What i find out that it's have a bigger screen.This RES. have become standard of testing games.Thanksssssssss
  4. Guys i ask this just out of curiosity what is the pros and cons of more than one monitors.Does they have any uses than gaming?thanks
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