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  1. I've been doing some research on how to oc ram cause i had no clue i have a basic idea. My ram is 12800 1600mhz corsair vengeance times are 9-9-9-24 i put t he volts at 1.65 and its was original defaulted at 1333mhz and volts at 1.5 i still don't understand how i should adjust the timings. actually i raised my base clock of my cpu voltage and its put the it up to 1657mhz with 103.3 base cpu clock. Could you are someone explain in layman's terms how i would go about ocing my memory. Should i keep my ram link or unlink?
  2. ok thank you for the info. I got it to 4.5 at 1.285 stable and running cooler max load temps at 68c I also put the pll voltage to 1.65. Its running cooler and faster. I like.
  3. Ok so what would be ur suggestion for the pll voltage and cpu voltage to start out with. i don't do much Overclocking Im working my way up 2 it. Just wanna get this think stable for now.
  4. ambient temp is prolly 75-80 in this room. i havn't messed with the headsync yet but ill look into sometimes today.
  5. look at my maximum temperatures after 3 to 4 minutes
  6. OC genie on 4.2 Idle temps..... Bios Temp. 60c Control Panel temp. 49 47 46 44 Real Temp. 47 45 49 47 Load temps Bios temp. 72c control panel temp. about the same as real temp. that was about 1 min of stress testing. after 3min all the temps went up to 75-78c real temp.66 71 74 69 max
  7. It has button on the motherboard you just press and its overclocks the CPU RAM and HD. Here is website for its scroll down to see oc genie II http://us.msi.com/product/mb/Z68A-GD80--B3-.html
  8. Also i switched to factory settings no OC. Temperature idle at 36-38c.
  9. So seeing the temperature at 75c with the factory OC Genie II Msi MB P95 stress test that something is wrong with my CPU cooler? after 5min temps idle at 45 -50c.
  10. Also i did a load test with Real Temp 3.67 here are my temps...
  11. downloaded the real temp. Its show idle at 46, 44, 46, 44 for each core. I checked the bios its says temp is at 62c. thats with it oc at 4.2 distance to tj max 53 53 50 54 don't really know what that is.
  12. Hope this helps. It wouldn't let me take a screenshot of the bios. ill figure it out tho trying to reply fast. Check the bios temp at the time i took the Screenshot. was at 66c. i watched it for awhile it jumped up to 68c .
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