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  1. tried amd overdrive... i get the amd overdrive failed to start error that seams to be rampant with that program after looking in thier forumns... tried a couple other fsb programs to no avail.... very frustrating i'm to the point of using amd fusion to maxamize performance... thanks again for all the help
  2. i've done some searching on the a6 3600 chip and everyone says the same thing increase the fsb but noone says exactly how... i've checked and rechecked my bios and unless i'm a complete moron and somehow missed it there is no option in the bios to increase my fsb... is there another way to do it or am i just stuck at stock speeds? i ran sisoftware sandra and that program shows my fsb at 45 mhz which correct me if i'm wrong... sucks?
  3. first i would like to thank everyone for their input on this. i got my stock volt setting from k10stat when i first started it it read 1.475. also i have definantly noticed an increase in speed in the time it takes my comp to boot up and my windows experience index numbers have all gone up slightly after overclocking. later today i will try running prime 95 and super pi at my supposed overclocked speeds and then again after reseting (again according to k10stat) to stock speeds and compare the times. also i did cause the system to crash after dropping my voltage below 1.1 with k10stat which is why i bumped it up to 1.2 to be safe. my question now would be that if the programs are lieing to me which i beleive is if not completly true then at least partially true cause i knew this was too good to be true how can i if at all overclock this proccessor? as i said i couldn't find anything in my bios that would allow me to do so. thanks again for all the input i've recieved i really apperciate the help.
  4. i checked my bios again and can't find anything about overclocking, clock speeds, fsb, multipliers... nothing... is it possible that overclocking in the bios for this chipset is locked or otherwise inaccessable?
  5. i have core temp... couldn't seem to get real temp to work... load temps are 37 degrees C according to core temp and speed fan under 100 percent load on all cores with prime 95... i don't particularly want any degradation in my chip at all... i was under the impression that if done right and keeping cpu temps within a safe range that overclocking is completly safe and wont degrade a chip or completly fry it.
  6. i checked in my bios because i had read that that was the better way to go but could not find where i could change my settings to overclock. also i have put my hand next to the heat vents on the comp and there is nothing but cool air comming out even during stress tests... bot core temp and speed fan show my temp at 37 degrees C and both core temp and cpuid show my processor speed at 4.7 ghz
  7. i just bought a hp pavillion with the amd a6 3600 quad core processor in it. this is the first comp i've ever overclocked. i've done some reading and downloaded k10stat core temp cpuid super pi and prime 95. the stock speed of the processor is 2.1 ghz. i have overclocked it to 4.7 ghz which is as high as k10stat will go. i also dropped the voltage from 1.475 to 1.2. i have stress tested it with super pi and prime 95 and tempuratures never went above 37 degrees C on any core. the system seems solid no crashes and everything seems to worke usb ports sound etc. my question is basically is there anything i am overlooking that may damage my pc. i am amazed that i have been able to overclock that high and everything remain stable. i just want to make sure there is nothing i am overlooking. thanks in advance for any help and advice anyone can give me.
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