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  1. Sorry for not responding; just got my internet at my new house thursday. Anyway, I've been screwing with EVERYTHING for the past few days, and I've got a 100% stable OC at 3.2. I cant believe I never thought to check this before, but my ram is only pc2-6400, so getting over 3.2 without touching the multi was a no-go. I'm looking into getting some pc2-1066 ram (thanks for the link Asinorum, that ram looks pretty epic), but until then I'm pretty happy with this OC. Thanks again for all your help forum! (btw, I hardly edited any voltages from the last time I posted; only raised the memory terminator and did some negligible edits).
  2. I had to revert to 3.0ghz; I changed some things and it refused to post. I'm callin' it good for today; I feel a bit too much like punching a hole through a wall for my liking.
  3. Based on the errors I'm getting (mainly "paged_fault_in_non-paged_area" And "memory_management" BSODs), I think. just have really really unstable RAM. Right now I've got my computer running in safe mode @ 3.6ghz (450x8 and 800). I set my RAM to [email protected] and upped my SB, Memory Terminator and FSB Terminator voltages, and now I can at least boot and reply. I think all I need to do is get my memory stable and with some luck and some more help from you guys I'll be good to go.
  4. Yeah the MSI wording can get a bit confising sometimes. Anyway, I dropped my speed back down to 400x8 (3.2ghz) and increased the Terminator (somewhere in the 2.2v range, dont quite remember), and reduced my memory voltage to 2.0v. Running pretty stable right now, took quite a while for a core to fail in prime95, and even after it did the last three kept running until I stopped the op a while later. I started messing with the NB again, but any time I increased it to 1.4v or above (in the red, but "safe") I got BSODs all over the place. I was wondering if I should try upping the Memory terminator voltage or maybe the fsb terminator a bit more. Remember, I'm trying for 3.6. Something I haven't mentioned is that my temps are great; never get above 50 Degrees Celsius. Any idea where I should go from here?
  5. yeah all of those voltages can be edited, but no custom ones. I'm happy with the provided number's though, because the increments are quite small.
  6. The way MSI BIOS's Display voltages is very strange; that's actually the vid PLUS that voltage, so my actual CPU voltage is 1.3375
  7. I'm afraid I'm a bit too uneducated about this to know what your talking about. Sorry for my newbishness!
  8. Well, I tried running at 400x8, and got 5 minutes before the first core failed on prime95. Then I ran at 400x6 and got 17 minutes on prime 95. Both tests were on blend, and I didn't change any voltages. EDIT: all three cores from the second test that hadn't failed are still running as of this edit (about 30min).
  9. I was wondering if my memory was to blame. Thanks for the advice; I'll try it when I get home.
  10. First off, My specs; CPU: q9450 @ 3.00ghz RAM: 4gb DDR2 PC2-6400 Corsair Video Gard: GTX 570 SC Case: Antec 900 PSU: 850watt Antec Motherboard: P7N Diamond Since I built this rig, I have been running it at 3.0ghz with default voltages and timings. That setup has been all well and good until recently. I just bought an EVGA gtx 570 SC, and I wanted to make sure that my cpu would not bottleneck it. So I started tweaking things in the bios, trying to get up to the 3.2-3.6 range. Currently, I'm stuck with a slightly stable 3.3ghz clock, with my voltages/timings as follows: vCore: 1.3375 (vid = 1.2375) vNB: 1.350v vSB: 1.550v vRAM: 2.1v everything else on auto CAS: 6 TRCD: 6 TRP: 6 TRAS: 18 2T everything else on auto I say slightly stable because any time I try to play a game or open up a resource intensive program, I get memory related errors (but BSODs are rare, as are system crashes) after 5-10 minutes. Another thing I found interesting was that when running prime95 on "small FFT's", all cores run for hours without fail, while on "large FFT's" or "Blend", cores 3 and 4 always crash within a few seconds, but 1 and 2 continue running indefinitely. Any help I could get on getting this stable or even getting my ghz up further would be greatly appreciated (Especially since I actually got a performance DROP after upgrading from a gts 250 to my new 570).
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