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  1. Google it the volt thing, all say what u already told me so, up to 1.3..1.4 max. Also found this: http://www.motherboardpro.com/ASUS-P5KC-Socket-LGA-775-Intel-P35-ATX-Asus-Motherboard-Retail-p-563.html on the description about the OC, it saids: vCore: Adjustable CPU voltage at 0.0125V increment. So should i try increment every 0.0125 right? i gonna keep googling it and see if i can find more about it. ill be at the chat w8ing for ya. Cya !
  2. yesyesyes kinda get it now! i will go to the bios right now! i will tell u soon i finish how it end i have patience, and i like all this, is not like im geting tired of it.. not at all, all this computer thing i like it alot, already study all what hardware is, and now learning more about the bios its so cool . ill go to the bios, Cya later !
  3. i'm useing silicon compound (if i write it right), even i saw ppl puting only on the center of the micro, i cover whole micro with it (moreover now here in argentina is summer). Ok the northbridge fsb strap was already on AUTO, so how much should i change the speed seting of the ddr2 ? i mean if i go down then 400.. if im already over the stock as u already told me so.... arf i dun get it . i far know lower is set better resault i may get but if i set lower setings it will go lower then 400, then if i put MORE fsb i will go even HIGHER then normal........ so? change to: 4-5-5 ? kinda confused as u already told me is better let the default seting on the timeing, or maybe i didint get u right? srry. Yeah at the end manny tell me the same thing.. to dun touch without know exactly what i should do with it.. so i never touch it, and even i try it to search for info about it i had no luck coz i rlly dunno where or how to look for it.. my mother is an asus p5kc, supously is nice for oc, actually wen i bought it i did it with that intention: i will google my mother model and how much vol can take, maybe i find something. And i dun wanna ask u to do that.. i mean dun go and spend ur time looking for this, u already helped me alot and i cant ask u to do that, so its cool, like i said i will make an new try with all the info you gived me and see what do i find. As always, THANKs! even if i cant go higher then 405 i'm already happy with this resoult, my comp works much more better then before.
  4. yeah m pretty sure EVERYTHING! is posible (my prev comp.. celeron D 2.26.. i boost it up to 3.5ghz ;P ) so well i already said it, but np is an regular 775, the one which came with the micro: And yes.. wen i set it at 420 the fsb frequency went to 3.8ghz, but the comp freeze, reset itself so.. thats y i stuck at 405. Tell me more about the voltage, what is all about ? how much should i raise it up? how should i test it? how much should i raise every time ? what are the risk of it? how can i relise i'm not above the voltage my comp support? To manny questions xD . Thanks to both of you .
  5. well: CPU VID 1.2250 V (copy from everest) with the program "cpu-z" it saids Core voltage 1.288v not sure which voltage you rlly mean, on bios i see alot of them, core, ram, etc.. for set voltage. and how much should i increse? what you mean with the memory divider? (srry for my ingnorance ;S ) Timing: DRAM frequency - 405.0mhz FSB:DRAM - 1:1 CAS# Latency (CL) - 5.0 RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) - 6 RAS# Precharge (tRP) - 6 Cycle Time (tRAS) - 18 Row Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC) - 54 Command Rate (CR) - 2T
  6. Ok i founded C1E and i disable it, and now i can see the correct multiplier at everest (used to show only 6, instead of 9) but couldnt find "intel speed step" think it may have some other name? i wasnt able to go higher then 09.0 on the multiplier, don't let me do it. Wen i write an higher number it reset to 09.0 automatically. About the fsb frequency, i only was allowed to go at 405, if i go higher my comp reset/freeze. i just woke up, 2 min ago.. ill go get something for breakfast, ill check again in around 10 min ^^ . As always, big thanks for the help!
  7. Dame.. m falling sleep (2:30am here) i will look into it soon i woke up on the morning. i will let u know how it goes. Thanks for all the help u gived me . Cya !
  8. How can i look for it ? what name does this thing normaly have? Got it, thanks. ill w8 lil bit before go bios again, see if can tell me more about that option u told me to turn it off.
  9. 400? i was having troubles geting further of 380, but of course i had the prev conf, i will try with the conf u told me to do. The cpu clock is now on 3000+, shows 2000+ wen m doing nothing, wen i start some game goes to 3000 so gues its cool. Ok ill go back to the bios and try to raise it up as u told me so, i will let u know how it goes once i finish. forgot to ask, the multiplier wen i have to raise it up, i most do it by 1 or.. ? Big thanks for the help. -------------------------------- Edit: Ok so, i try it out to 400, worked good.. so after 4 min i went back to bios and boost it to 420, unfortunally wen i start it an game for test it the comp restart it.... so i went back to 400 and seems works nice so far. ill w8 for ur answer about the multiplier, i wanna know if i go 1 by 1, or more.. not sure rlly about it. Thanks again.
  10. Well.. better let it on 9 then on auto i supouse ? since alot of time i'm trying to learn all this.. why is so hard ? maye i'm to stupid for learn it. Anyway i rlly didint know the importance of the processor clock speed (which atm everest show it at 2.160.0mhz) set it back to 2999 will help me alot. I will check again this thread if you think i should modify something else for make it better, pls let me know. Thanks again.
  11. Ok i read one and over again.. trying to understund as i'm not very get used to all this terms. The Fsb strap of the north bridge i let it on AUTO then. Anyway so what i should do is only set the cpu ratio seting to 9 right? and set back the ram timing to default and the fsb to 333, and then i will have better perfomance. Well i will try it out, and i will save what u wrote here for life, despite the fact i cant understund very well atm.. still u xplain it nice, so thanks again and well ill go streight to my bios now ^^ . Cya!
  12. Well i find myself lost, i just got this comp, i build it myself is not the big thing but well.. i need to oc my micro much as i can. So without know much about this overclocking thing i start touching inside the bios and modify the time of the ram, to 4-5-5-15. Only with that i started boosting the fsb of my micro.. so from 333 i boost it up to 360 (only 8% of oc) and i cant go higher then that... ok so i will write now the comp i have: Mother: asus p5kc Ram: ocz 2gb ddr2 800mhz (Click for more info about the ram) P.suply: 450w sentey Micro: E8400, 3ghz core 2 duo. Ok so i read alot about if i put higher the voltage of the micro i can improve and allowing me to get even higher FSB.. but i also read i may burn it. If thats true i rlly need advices. The things i still dunno about my bios, i mean the stuffs i dunno for what are for, and dunno how to configure: Dram Frequency, is set at AUTO (ddr2 721mhz / 865mhz / 903mhz / 959mhz / 1083mhz / 1152mhz / 1201mhz / 1440mhz) ------------------------------------- CPU Ratio seting, also on AUTO (i only can set the numbers manually, so obviously i dunno what should i set there..) ------------------------------------- CPU GTL Voltage Reference, at AUTO (0.63x / 0.61x / 0.59x / 0.57x) ------------------------------------- FSB Start to north bridge, AUTO (200 / 266 / 400) ------------------------------------- CPU vid 1.1500v (i supouse this is the voltage of the micro), took the note from everest, on bios is at AUTO. Theres lots of things i didint write it about the bios, i only took note from the things i THINK have relevance on the matter, but m sure theres lots of other things.. wish i could post an ss from my bios.. Ok so thats it, if can help me to learn, and know more about my own comp i would be so happy . Thanks and if need any other specific info about my bios lemme know and i will look into it. (srry for my bad english <.< )
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