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  1. I'm trying @ 3.6 now, is it really a huge bump in vcore from 3.4? I've tried as far as 1.42v (1.37 @3.4) as well as raising the fsb and nf200, doesn't seem to be working.
  2. Ok, I always hear mixed things when it comes to vcore, some say 1.4 max, others say 1.36, never get a definitive answer.
  3. Now that is 1.45 under load correct? So if it is over 1.45 in bios but falls under with vdroop it is ok (as long as temps are ok as well)?
  4. my vcore under load is 1.37, think there is any room to push it higher?
  5. bumped the vcore 2 notches and completed 20 passes (stopped it at 20) of intelburntest @ 3.4
  6. I think the board might be getting too hot? I got it to do 5 passes on intelburntest while I held a fan pointing at the heatsink, so i tried for 20 passes but this time it would even get past 2 with the same settings?! Im thinking of resetting the heatsink ?
  7. It wasent, it only made it 2 passes, but bumping the vcore made it LESS stable.
  8. ran at 3.4 with these settings 1.38v vcore 1.35 fsb ram at 900 1.9v link and sync'd it made it 2 passes of intelburntest bumped vcore 1 notch, then 2, made it less stable then before, also tried 1.4 fsb.
  9. When I link them I get the following dividers, 1:1,5:4,3:2, and sync. The first 2 set the ram at 1400, 3:2 sets it at 1200, and sync sets it at 900. Should I just unlink them and lower it to say 667 or something around that speed?
  10. If I link them I can't run them at 1066. Temps usually always stay in the 50's range under full load.
  11. Hey, thanks for the reply. Yeah I figured it was just the board + CPU combo. The RAM is unlinked and the highest i've gotten it stable is at 3.2
  12. q9400 750i ftw 4gb corsair dominator 1066 5-5-5-15 1800 fsb RAM @ 800 with stock timings vcore 1.36875v fsb 1.35v ram 1.9v spp 1.45 NF200 1.2 GTL lanes are all on auto Now I can't even get this to do 1 pass on intelburn test. I've tried more vcore, fsb spp, played with the ram a bit and a combination of them and I just cant figure out why I cant get this even a tad more stable than 1 pass. I've also thought that maybe it was an fsb hole so I tried a few above and a few below. Any ideas?
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