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  1. Done! Changed the PCI-E Frequency back to 100!
  2. I would like to personally thank Waco, IVIYTH0S and gabrieltessin for taking out time to post in this thread. Although it may not seem so, but having somebody to reply to your queries, and just post a reply, is very very helpful, and goes a long way. Thank you. I have finished all my stability tests. I do not have screenshots, because these tests were conducted over a period of 2 days, and I simply forgot to compile all the test data into graphic images. However, I have notes, and I would like to share them with you. My PC specifications Motherboard - MSI-P55-GD80 Processor Core i7 860 Memory - Corsair TW3X4G1333C9A 2x2GB Video Card - Sapphire HD 5770 1 GB Hard Drive - WD 640 GB Hard Drive - Seagate 1 TB Optical Drive - Samsung DVD RW Power Supply - Corsair VX450W Case Coolermaster - CM690 Monitor - Samsung SyncMaster 798MB Plus Operating System - Windows 7 64-bit BIOS settings BIOS Flash Protection - Enabled Full Screen Logo Display - Disabled USB Device Legacy Support - Disabled Intel EIST+C1E Support+OC Stepping+Intel C-State+Overspeed Protection+Turbo Boost - Disabled Adjust CPU Base Frequency - 167 CPU Ratio - 21 Memory Timing - 9-9-9-24 2T Memory Frequency - 1336Mhz Adjust PCI-E Frequency - 102 CPU Voltage - 1.262 (1.17 in CPUZ) CPU VTT - 1.254 DRAM - 1.650 Voltage Control - Low vDroop (Intel recommended specification) Spread Spectrum - Disabled Temperatures CPU - 44,44,44,44 @ idle -- 79,79,79,79 @ load Motherboard - 38 @ idle -- 45 @ load WD640AAKS - 44 @ idle -- 49 @ load Seagate 1TB 7200.12 - 40 @ idle -- 44 @ load GPU Diode DispIO - 39 @ idle -- 72 @ load GPU Diode MemIO - 44 @ idle -- 88 @ load GPU Diode Shader - 41 @ idle -- 80 @ load Case Ventilation CPU cooler - CoolerMaster HyperN520 GPU Fan - 95% CoolerMaster 90 CFM cabinet fan x 2 (blowing air in) CoolerMaster generic cabinet fan x 1 (blowing air in) Stability Tests Prime95 blend tests + Furmark 1.8 + burning DVDs + copying large files + Internet Browsing --- Stable for 12 hours (I had to manually quit these tests because I ran out of DVDs to burn. memtest86+ --- 11 passes without errors (I manually quit the test) LinX 164 passes + OCCT GPU stable for 1 hour Unigine Benchmark 1280x1024, Dx11, High Shaders, Extreme Tessellation, Anisotropic 16x, Anti-aliasing 8x --- Score was 390. Prime95 small FFTs + Furmark 1.8 --- No errors for one hour (Manual quit) Prime95 large FFTs + Furmark 1.8 --- No errors for one hour (Manual quit) Speeds CPU frequency - 3519Mhz RAM frequency - 670 (Dual Channel) GPU - 850/1200Mhz (I wanted to stay below 90 C) The most problematic component was my RAM. I had to increase my CPU VTT voltage to get my RAM stable at 1.65 volts. Although Corsair TW3X4G1333C9A 2x2GB is rated at 1.5V, I read some posts where Corsair techsupport advised users to increase the voltage to 1.65. This RAM should be advertised at 1.65 volts. I did not run any benchmark tests because I wanted a stable system, and I think these tests are enough for now! If anybody has anything more to suggest so that I can make my PC more stable then do tell me. Thank you all once again. I will try to come over to overclockersclub.com whenever Im online. If I do not post, please do not take it as a sign of selfishness, and do respond to my queries in the future. Thank you all! God bless you! P.S. - I still haven't performed the OCCT Power Supply test! It's ironic, considering that was the thread topic!!! I won't be performing it anyways!
  3. You have a very nice setup. If you can get a graph of speed vs voltage overclock settings for this setup, you'll have an easy time overclocking. I think your initital voltages were high! Remember that cold air rests at bottom, and hot air rises! So, keep fans blowing in air at the bottom, and fans blowing out air on top! Good Luck! Please search for guides on google and on this forum! You'll find a lot of people with exact same setups trying for similar results. All the best!
  4. Just a stupid question. The Coolermaster CFM 90 came with a 3 pin connector. Will it run faster/better if connected to a 4 pin connector or a 3 pin connector? I just checked, my card runs at 90 when the chassis fan is attached to the 4 pin connector (from my PSU) instead of the 3 pin connector on the motherboard! Otherwise, it will continue to rise above 90 steadily when connected to the 3 pin connector on the board!
  5. Ofcourse! Thank you all!!! I hope I get these fans replaced for the green shiny ones! Wish me luck! Will post final temperatures and other related information in detail after I do some more tests!
  6. Holy moly! I installed a single fan. The Coolermaster 90 CFM Green LED Silent. My 5770 is stuck at 89 degrees celsius! At my room temperature of 40+ degrees!!! I also got two cheap fans. I'm going to exchange them tomorrow for one more of this! This fan is really great. It just has an audible noise, but I don't mind, considering the amazing cooling it provides! Also, these temperatures are for 850/1200 mhz! :D I'm not going to touch my 5770 now! Yay!!! Thank you green shiny fans!!
  7. alright! It's decided then. Will report back with new temperatures soon!!! Will install fans now! Thanks a lot guys for being so nice to answer! God Bless you all!
  8. Oh, alright! What are your thoughts of removing my heatsink and applying new heatsink compound? Is it safe? Will it void my warranty?
  9. Wait? WHAT??? How did you manage to run it at that??? That's almost a 50% drop in temperature??? Alright, I purchased 3 chassis 120mm fans. Is it alright if I open my Sapphire HD 5770, apply Artic Silver 5, and reset the heatsink? Will it void my warranty or cause any problems? If you can, do reply soon, because I want to do it soon. I haven't installed any of the chassis fans yet, because I want to fix the GFX card issue first.
  10. I have a CM690 with one front and one rear fan. I'll try to put in atmost 2 more fans. It's going to cost me an arm and a leg right now, but i'll try to do something.
  11. ATI Sapphire HD 5770 1GB GDDR5. I think its a non-reference card. I've already underclocked it to 750/1000 from 850/1200. I cannot undervolt it in MSI afterburner even after enabling those options. Is there anything I can do to decrease the temperatures further. The cooling is stock. Its a clean card, no dust. Should I install a cabinet side fan? Even I'm concerned about the temperatures. Right now it's at 96 degrees celsius. Furmark has been running constantly for 7.5 hours now.
  12. Just a little update. I still haven't been able to make myself take the OCCT test. I might do it later for 10-15 minutes. Right now, I'm running Prime95+Furmark+copying large files from HDD for 5 hours now. Everything seems to be running stable. For my location, temperatures are amazing, and you could make an omelet in here. All four cores are at 78 degrees C. GPU is at 95 C, with 90% fanspeed, both HDDs are running at 50 C and my room temperature is 43 C. Will run the tests till possible.
  13. Okay. Thanks for answering that question Paul. Another query. Can I keep the fanspeed on my HD5770 at 90%? It runs a little hot due to the climate here. Is it safe to keep it running at that speed? Will the fan get damaged or wear out soon at 90%? Im okay with the fan sound.
  14. Can I run the OCCT power supply test on my system safely? Core i7 860 3.56 Ghz with 1.275V MSI-P55-GD80 Sapphire HD 5770 Corsair XMS3 2x2GB 1368Mhz 8-9-9-23 at 1.65V Seagate 1TB 7200.12 WD 640GB AAKS Samsung DVD Writer Corsair VX450 CoolerMaster Hyper N520 CPU Temperature - 38 idle/60full load (Core temperature ~ 78) Motherboard Temperature - 38 idle/45 full load GPU temperature - 57 idle/70 full load My ambient room temperature is 40. Yes, it is. I have passed Prime95 at 4 hours, and CPU:OCCT at 1 hour. My question is, can I run OCCT:Power Supply on my system? I've read that it could kill my PSU.
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