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  1. I'm running it at 3ghz with relaxed memory timings. I ended up getting the TRUE since its one of the few that could do a push-pull with my case/mobo and performs pretty well.
  2. Well, after some minor tweaking and oc'ing, the cpu still runs at 50C idle but ~61C load. I ordered a TRUE to replace the cooler and a couple of extra fans for my case as well... I'm still kind of surprised as to how hot this chip runs considering i've barely oc'ed it though.
  3. The bios is the newest version for my mobo. I ended up lapping the cooler, reapplying thermal paste after taking the old crud off, then slapped 2 100+cfm fans for a push-pull. Undervolted the vcore by a tiny bit to 1.25v. Added another case fan. My temps are now in the 50's range, which still sucks...
  4. Fan was definitely spinning, and the temps are pretty much the same with the case open or closed. I think I'll try to lap the cooler tomorrow after I buy some thermal paste. Wish me luck...
  5. The system hasn't been overclocked yet, but the idle temps are very high at around 60C for each core. The cpu cooler is upgraded to a Coolermaster Hyper 212 Plus. Even if the cooler was a complete pos, I'm dumbfounded on how the idle temps could be so high. There is adequate case circulation with all fans on high. I'm going to re-seat the cooler when i get some better thermal paste, but if anyone has any ideas about this, I'd really appreciate it.
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