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  • Computer Specs
    CPU=amd x4 965 black edition
    MOBO= msi 790gx-g65
    GPU= raedon hd 5750
    RAM= 2-2gb DDR3 1600mhz
    POWER= purepower 600w
    OS= Windows 7 64bit

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. hhmmmmmmm intresting..... thanks for all the replies guys (=.
  2. This might be in the wrong section. So ive been getting ready for call of duty black ops and wondered if i should get for xbox or pc. the reason im even questioning this is i really cant decide if my gpu is gonna give out the same experience as my xbox 360. so please help. =D MY SPECS=== CPU=amd x4 965 black edition MOBO= msi 790gx-g65 GPU= raedon hd 5750 RAM= 2-2gb DDR3 1600mhz POWER= purepower 600w OS= Windows 7 64bit
  3. na its all good guys. be friends lol
  4. thats weird. is it normal to to have like mass effect 2 to be glitchier than ur xbox version? i notice that in the cutscenes and stuff the peoples heads twitch and there eyes are almost close sometimes
  5. ok. but everytime i am loading something in garrys mod it says its not responding and then 3 minutes later it loads it
  6. wow. im kinda frustrated. i have spent over $1500 dollars custom building my own computer by myself. and now garrys mod is taking 5 minutes to join a server and sometimes crashes. whates up? is it the game or the add ons i have or my pc or wat?
  7. no i reset everytghing before turning it off and i havent messed with it since
  8. so i have started to notice my computer blacking out at random times and then pops up saying display driver has stopped working and has recovered. should i be worried?
  9. and also for some reason i was rendering a video on adobe after effects and it was a 9 seconde video that took 7 HOURS to finish! what the hell AND IT DOSENT EVEN WORK. the video is all jumpy and freezes.
  10. No but ever since i statred to try to oc it. i have been noticing 1 inch by 1 inch boxs that freeze frame inside of the box for about half a second and then goes away. about every 5 minutes
  11. hmmmm yea i got up to 815mhz and then got tired so i recorded were everything was and went back to default. can i start back up tommorow and put in the same exact numbers and keep going or have to start all over again
  12. and this sounds like a stupid question but wen it fails the test it will tell me right because everytime so far it hasnt said pass or fail.
  13. so im on gpu occt but in the graphs it makes it comes up as cpu1 cpu2 cpu3 and cpu4?
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