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  • Computer Specs
    chipset: AMD 790X
    CPU: AMD phenom 2 x4 955
    RAm: 4096 MB

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. hey, I have a M4A79XTD evo motherboard with a 3.8 Ghz Oc'ed phenom 2 955 be and a GEIL PC3 10660 1333 Mhz memory Cl 7-7-7-24. I don't know much about memory. But when i check amd overdrive, i see that my memory frequency isn't 1333 MHz but 680 Mhz. And i think that that is a big different. How can i raise this frequency?
  2. thank you all for your support. After resetting the bios, it all worked again (i dont know yet the mugen works now).
  3. If i switch the power on, the green led on the motherboard is burning. When im trying to boot the system every fan is working and i see nothing wrong in the computer. There only is a black screen. 'remember if you changed CPU heatsink Mounts for your fan. you gotta change that before you get your stock one back on.' huh?
  4. if i look closely close left of the cpu, i see 4 silver spots on a trace of the motherboard, below that i see 2 more. But still the system stopped working before i let the cpu fell on the mb.
  5. i did took that off, but i set it on again to install the normal cooler. (you do mean the black plastic around the cpu?)
  6. what do you mean with 'or start with the closest socket to the CPU.' and 'alot of motherboards do no like DIMM1 empty' sorry for double post.
  7. i don't really know how to set the photo's from the photocamera in the pc so you have to do it with a worse camera from my laptop; sorry they are overlighted wait, i can get better
  8. i washed all the old temp paste of the processor, socket and the motherboard. I set the stock cooler on the processor. But still nothing happened. I checked the strings, but nothing is on the screen. Perhaps this is the same problem as when it stopped first.
  9. the problem is more like that the fan doesn't work. now i've set my stock cooler on the cpu (after cleaning it). And i will try so. it is here like 21 degrees or something
  10. okay, and why do you think that my fan isn't working? is it just broke and is it that that the computer didn't reboot after setting everything back to auto? And with what i may clean it?
  11. okay, i went to bios to set everything back to auto, when i tried to reboot the computer, it didn't work. Nothing happened. I opened the computer to check what was wrong. De CPU fan wasn't working. So i took the MB out of the case and checked the processor if i could see any damage. I didn't. I made the layer of thermal paste some tinner but when i looked at the back side of the cpu, it fell half on the motherboard, half on the socket. Now there is a little bit paste at the socket. At the socked, i didn't see it in the howls. Firts i tried after this the old fan again, it first went and stopped (as usual), but then i didn't began running. So i stopped the system. I put an other fano on it. When i tried to reboot, it still didn't work. Now the fan was blazing but it didn't boot. Anyone know what happened?
  12. i'll try this afternoon... I do have a fan on my cooler and about the thermal paste, i put the whole contents thermal paste that was given by mugen.
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